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Change the Meaning of Making Resolutions For The New Year

019, change how you think about resolutions, community, connections, global concerns, how can I increase my motivation, make the world better, making resolutions, motivation, New Year, New Year's Resolution, problem, problem solving, resolution, resolving to be better, worries

At the turn of the new year, we often hear endless talk of making resolutions, focusing on the definition of resolution as: a firm decision to do something. I have often questioned the idea that the cold, dark month of January is a realistic time to implement those goal-style resolutions. However, I encourage you to remember that the word resolution has more than one meaning. This year, I will make a New Year’s Resolution, but focus on another meaning of the word resolution: solving a problem or dispute

I am sure many of us can think of a problem or issue in our own life that we would like to bring to a resolution. Here are some questions I considered as I identified my own resolution for 2018:

Personal questions:

  • What worry or problem am I carrying that I need to let go of? 
  • Is there a problem I see in myself that I can move beyond?
  • Am I avoiding an undesirable task/experience? How might I convince myself to do it? 
  • Am I spending my time on pursuits I find fulfilling? Am I achieving my best results possible, or just doing what it takes to get by? How can I increase my motivation?


  • Do I have a strained/problematic relationship with a colleague or family member? What might ease that strain?
  • Do I feel connected to my colleagues or family? What might improve that connection?
  • Do I feel connected to my neighbors? How could I foster a stronger connection with the people who live near me?


  • Is there a local problem that concerns me? Can I lend a hand in solving it, either through volunteer work or supporting organizations who address the problem?
  • Can I act as an advocate for community issues that concern me? There are some problems I can’t solve on my own, but could I contribute to a larger-scale solution?


  • Is there a global humanitarian issue that I can work to support?
  • Do I have a special skill that can help people in need around the world? Is there an organization that can connect my skills to the people who need it most? In other words-how can I help?

Resolution 2018:

After thinking through these questions, the real problem/issue I will work to solve this year is a problem of motivation! So my resolution is to take note of the situations in which I feel unmotivated, and see if I can decrease the frequency of these occurrences. Have these questions helped you identify a problem or issue to resolve this year?


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