Rochester Local


#AskingForAFriend, humor, mom humor, social media

I admit it, I’m a sucker for a quick laugh on the internet. Or even a not-so-quick laugh because I get so sucked into their world of humor I’m there for an hour (I’m looking at you, hysterical webpage full of autocorrect blunders). My most recent favorite quick humor on the internet is the new meaning social media has given to the phrase “Asking For A Friend.” I’m old enough that I remember using that phrase in high school conversations when we were trying to find out someone’s relationship status…we thought we were so clever and tricky! Or if we called in to a radio advice show, we were definitely #AskingForAFriend instead of asking an embarrassing question for ourself. More recently, however, #AskingForAFriend has become a great way to poke fun at yourself in an otherwise show-only-your-best-self medium: social media. I love doing it, and I especially love reading it. Type in the #AskingForAFriend hashtag into your favorite social media search bar and you’ll find some gems, I’m sure. Here are just a few that popped up for me the night I wrote this article:

Life Skills:



































Humor aside, what resonates about #AskingForAFriend is how we acknowledge our own foibles, because so often in life people rush to cover up anything that might make others think less of us. With #AskingForAFriend there’s a lot of camaraderie that surfaces as people agree with you, or give examples of when they’ve felt the same way.

When a friend of mine posted, “Anyone interested in a kid swap? #AskingForAFriend #MorningsWillBeTheDeathOfMe” she received multiple responses from friends who could commiserate about how tough it can be to get kids out the door in the morning. We laughed and shared funny stories about tactics we’ve used to cajole our kids out of bed. 

What’s the funniest thing you’ve ever seen someone tag with #AskingForAFriend?

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