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Eat Like You Love Yourself

Eat Like You Love Yourself | Rochester MN Moms Blog


I felt like I didn’t have enough space to talk about eating in my last post. I couldn’t dig as deep as I wanted, and it may have felt exclusive to those who do not struggle with an eating disorder but may still have begrudging feelings around the holidays (or any days) – the many meals, parties, and plates that come along with this season.

You may have been able to gather my loathing for the fact that holiday gatherings have been made about the food.  In general, we wait for this time of the year, load up the car, cram around someone’s table and anticipate that feeling.  The “I-ate-too much-let’s-talk-about-how-bad-this-pie-is-then-have- another-two-slices” feeling.   Why is it like that?  Why do we focus on the calories in the pie, rather than the hands that made it? How have we been duped into feeling nothing but guilt for enjoying a meal that was created by someone’s labor of love?

I am calling for a holiday meal revolution! Let us leave the negative food talk, the bad body talk, the misinformation behind.  Let’s head to our family tables with the thought of normal eating and enjoying our friends and loved ones.
Eat Like You Love Yourself | Rochester MN Moms Blog
Here is my definition of “normal eating”:
– You eat when you are hungry, and you stop when you are full.
– Listen to your body, and do not restrict cravings.
– Balance really is everything.
– Hydration is really, really important

The definition of diet has become this strict, regimented thing.  Diet, in the true sense of the word, is the total consumption of a variety of food throughout a person’s day to day.  Drop the diets, and focus on eating like you love yourself.

Desserts really are not evil.  Salads can be great and are not just for the birds.  One cupcake (even two!) shouldn’t ruin your day, just like a handful of salads will not change your life.  It is a lifestyle commitment.   Try new foods, eat with your friends, get in the kitchen, and bust out of your routine.

If we, as women, can break ourselves from the monotonous calorie-focused thinking, start eating to enjoy food when we are hungry, and learn to be much gentler when we have cravings, I can guarantee we can start enjoying life a lot more.

Bon Appétit!

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