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What Are These New Mom-otions?

Since the birth of our son, I’ve developed this new set of emotions that I like to call “mom-otions”. Maybe some of you can relate to this and hopefully this term can be added to the dictionary in 2019. I mean, “dumpster fire” made it this year why not mom-otions???! In all seriousness, I’ve never been one to show my raw emotions in public, albeit I wish I could have. Instead, I was the friend that couldn’t cry at “A Walk to Remember.” I was the one who looked down the row and had to chuckle at the six friends who were sobbing. Fast forward to post-baby and this new set of mom-otions has me all sorts of confused.

So, without further ado, for those unfamiliar with the definition, mom-otion: a fast onset of emotions that each mom expects to go away after the 12-month postpartum period, but they stick around and pop up at the most random times. You now cry at the drop of a hat, convince yourself you need a career change, or maybe you find yourself searching every liquor store in the county for wine in a can. Why? Because, it seems logical to NEED that so that you can have fresh wine without taking up precious space needed for toddler snacks or a million bananas! Only to discover that a road trip to the Twin Cities may be in order to find this treasure.

 becoming emotional after pregnancy, mom-otion, mom-otions, momotions, onset of emotions, overwhelmed with emotion, postpartum

Anyway, these mom-otions can hit at random times. For me the most recent and all-consuming time was driving home after a much needed pedicure. I felt guilty for leaving my son on a Saturday, one of the two full days I have the opportunity to just “be his mom.” Weekends are my jam, I don’t have to answer to anyone else, make business decisions immediately, or wonder if I’ll make it to the bus on time. But this day, I let these darn mom-otions grab a hold of me and was rocked to the core. I knew that I needed the time to take care of myself, spend a few hours relaxing and focusing internally. This type of self-care does not come easy to me, for I have to plan out every detail in order to make it all fit in. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy the thrill of both worlds (weekends and work days) but have yet to find the balance as a full time working mom. The balance is a daily juggling act; however, it’s worth it when I see the eyes of my son at the end of the day. Every once in a while, these mom-otions get me…and this was one of those times.

I leave you with this…

Whether you’re a new or experienced mama, just remember. Your mom-otions can hit at anytime, anywhere and can be overwhelming. Don’t let them get you! Instead, take deep breaths and remember that we’re all in this together! One mom-otion at a time, one day at a time, one breath at a time. Your little ones adore you more than anyone else in the world. No matter how much time your children (big or small) spend at daycare or with their mama, make sure to love yourself and just breathe through those unexpected mom-otions.

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