Rochester Local

Prenatal Yoga: Healthy Mom & Healthy Baby

This post is sponsored by OMC Sports Medicine and Athletic Performance (SMAP).  For more information on their prenatal yoga classes, please click here.
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Pregnancy is often this interesting span of time where it feels like the end/meeting baby is simultaneously tomorrow and ten years from now.  Most of us are busy, and while we want to focus on our pregnancy, growing baby, and upcoming life/family changes, the days fly by and before we know it, it’s go time.  But, arguably, more than any other big day of our lives, the birth of our babies is not meant to be one approached without any preparation.


Prenatal Yoga: Healthy Mom & Healthy Baby
prenatal yoga, prenatal fitness, pregnancy fitness, olmsted medical center, rochester mn, roch mn, rochester mn moms blog

Prenatal Yoga at Olmsted Medical Center

I’m currently pregnant with our second baby, and I recently wrapped up a prenatal yoga series at Olmsted Medical Center Sports Medicine and Athletic Performance (SMAP).  I’m thrilled to be able to report back that this class is for you, pregnant mama – no matter what number pregnancy this is for you, no matter what your birth plans are, and no matter what your current “fitness level” is – you will benefit from these classes.  Here’s why…

  • You get the recurring, scheduled opportunity to focus solely on you and your growing baby.  When we have especially busy schedules and/or this isn’t our first pregnancy, it can be particularly challenging to rest and enjoy the precious, fleeting span of pregnancy.  This class series provides the opportunity to just be with your baby, focused on how you’re both doing.
  • You’ll learn poses, exercises, and stretches to alleviate specific aches and pains – the class is tailored to exactly who’s present and what her current needs are.
  • You reap the benefits of exercise with low-impact, gentle-yet-effective movement.
  • No matter what your exercise routine was like before pregnancy, or the absence of one, you can tailor everything in this course to your abilities and desires.  (Nicole, the instructor, did an awesome job of this with each mama.)
  • You meditate and practice finding a relaxed, trusting, confident mental/emotional state, which is likely the most valuable tool you will bring to your labor.
  • You get to build connections and obtain resources – hello, other mamas in the same stage of motherhood as me! ? 
  • Every week there is the opportunity to ask the group questions about anything related to pregnancy, childbirth, health, and motherhood.  

I found this prenatal yoga series to be so fun, life-giving, and encouraging.  I hope that if you’re pregnant you get to participate in the next series – you (and your growing baby) will be so glad you did!

For more information on Prenatal Yoga at SMAP, please click here!

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