Rochester Local

“It’s OK, I Have Kids Too”:: The Great Airport Meltdown

mom kneeling by toddler in airport

Dear Delta flight attendant,

At the gate counter, you stepped in and mesmerized my distraught one and a half year old while teaching me compassion. I know others saw you, too, and I wanted to say thank you. 

It was 9:30 p.m. … two hours past Gordon’s bedtime and the end of a very fun, but long, family vacation. With backpacks in tow and a loaded stroller, we scurried after him as he sprinted and fought to run down the ramp before scanning our tickets. 

Of course, we didn’t let him and he melted down. Squirming, kicking, hitting, yelling, arching…With a line of people behind us, we were told we needed a “lap seat infant” boarding pass even though my ticket said “INF” and his didn’t print with my original. Back to the counter we went with our screaming and flailing child. 

Some heads turned on us and some glared. All I thought was:  Gordon, SERIOUSLY STOP SCREAMING OR I’M GOING TO FLIP… I know some were thinking, “I hope to God this kid isn’t sitting next to me because I need to sleep” and “can’t that mom make that kid stop freaking out?” I wanted to announce:  I’m sooo sorry, everyone. He’s over-tired and usually very well-behaved. But, I couldn’t because that’s not how these things work. 

To worsen the situation, I turned in Gordon’s contact information and the gate counter lady said, “he needs to purchase a ticket. He’s older than two.” I replied, “no, he’s 19 months,” to which she flipped over the piece of paper and I wrote the wrong birthdate! 

I started to cry and raddled off:  I’m exhausted, my child’s cry is piercing and I’m pregnant with baby brain. He’s 19 months old and born in ’17, not ’16. She sternly looked at me and continued typing. At this time, my husband stepped in because I now lost it. 

It was then you approached us — touched my shoulder and gently tapped Gordon’s hand. You pulled out your phone and immediately distracted my son with doggie pictures. You talked so fast and swiped through photos so quickly that Gordon was talking about all types of doggies before I knew it. You did what we couldn’t do. You changed his demeanor and it was magical. 

I sighed relief. 

You smiled at me from time-to-time and connected with, “it’s okay. I have kids, too.” And made my world turn right side up with, “I hope I get to sit by you. I hope our seats are next to each other.” 

I thought, really? 

While most dreaded my son on the plane, you showed compassion and truly wanted to make my world better. Nobody wants to be that person with a fiercely screaming child at the airport, but you understood that sometimes kids just lose it and moms and dads need help. 

I wish I remembered your name, but I’m forever grateful for your kind, calm and compassionate heart. You left an imprint on my families first vacation in a very special way. And, I hope I can leave one on someone, someday, too.

With much gratitude from my heart to yours, Marnie (Gordon’s mom)

mom kneeling by toddler in airport


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